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《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件3


《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件3《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件3《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件3

《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件3

New words

1. interesting  adj.   有趣的,令人感兴趣的

2. fun  adj.              有趣的,令人愉快的

3. relaxing   adj.      轻松的

4. difficult   adj.      困难的

5. boring    adj.      无聊的,令人生厌的

6. watch TV           看电视

Listen again. What does Paul say about these activities. Choose a word from 1a to fill in each blank. 

play computer games ___________

play volleyball___________

watch TV___________

play basketball ___________

... ... ...

Read the passage and answer the questions. 

1. Who has a soccer ball?

Frank Brown:  

I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. We go to the same school and we love soccer. We play it at school with our friends. It’s relaxing. 

Gina Smith:

Yes, I do. I have two soccer balls, three volleyballs, four basketballs, and five baseballs and bats. I love sports, but I don’t play them -- I only watch them on TV! 

Wang Wei:

No, I don’t. Soccer is difficult. I like ping-pong. It’s easy for me. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, I play ping-pong with my classmates. 

... ... ...


1. 三段文字分别是Frank Brown, Gina Smith和Wang Wei对调查所做的回答。

2. 在Frank Brown 的回答段中,由“but my brother Alan does”,可知弗兰克没有足球,但他弟弟 Alan有一个。

3. 在Gina Smith的回答中,明确提出她有,并且她有两个足球。此外,Wang Wei也说自己没有。可知,Alan和Gina Smith有足球。

Who do you think says these sentences? Check (√) F for Frank, G for Gina or W for Wang Wei.   

1. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class.

2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs. 

3. My brother has a soccer ball but I don’t.

4. I only watch sports on TV.

5. Soccer is not easy for me.

6. My brother and I are in the same school. 

... ... ...


1. I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. 

我没有足球,但是我哥哥艾伦有。句中的does是do的第三人称单数形式。此处用do来代替上文出现过的动词或动词词组,以避免重复。在本句中,does代替上文出现过的have a soccer ball。如: 

Jack doesn’t play volleyball, but his sister does.


Linda have a baseball bat, but I don’t. 


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