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《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件4


《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件4 详细介绍:

《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件4《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件4

《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT课件4

Write more questions about sports equipment? 

1. Do you have a soccer ball?

(    ) Yes, I do.          (     ) No, I don’t.

2. Do you have a volleyball?

(    ) Yes, I do.          (     ) No, I don’t.

3.  Do you have a ping-pong bat?

(    ) Yes, I do.          (     ) No, I don’t.

4.  Do you have a baseball bat? 

(    ) Yes, I do.          (     ) No, I don’t.

Exchange books with a partner. Answer his or her questions in 3a.

Look at the information in 3a. Write about yourself and your partner with but. 

写作指导:1. but可连接两个意思相反的句子,表示转折关系,but前句子加逗号。2. 注意谓语动词的数与主语的人称和数相一致。

1. I have a soccer ball, but I don’t have a volleyball.

2. I have a ping-pong bat, but I don’t have a baseball bat.

3. Li Lei has a basketball, but he doesn’t have a soccer ball.

4. Li Lei has a volleyball, but he doesn’t have a ping-pong ball.

... ... ...

Complete the questions and answers.  

1. A: ________________________________?

B: Yes, my mom has a baseball bat.

2. A: Do you have a volleyball?

B: ________________________________

3. A: ________________________________?

B: Yeah, my father has a soccer ball.

4. A: ________________________________? 

B: No, she doesn’t. My teacher has one.

... ... ...


after, has, doesn’t, for, does, sounds, on, but, play

1. _____ Jenny have a ping-pong bat? 

2. Ping-pong is easy _____ me. 

3. — Let’s play volleyball _____ school?— That ______ interesting. 

4. I don’t _____ sports. I only watch them____TV. 

5. My grandfather _____ six baseballs and bats, ____ he ______ have a basketball.


A. No, they don’t.        B. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, she does.                D. It’s in the bookcase.

E. That’s sounds boring.  

1. Does Linda have a tennis ball?

2. Let’s watch TV. 

3. Are these your ping-pong balls and bats?

4. Do they have a soccer ball?

5. Where’s your baseball bat?

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