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《What time do you go to school?》PPT课件5


《What time do you go to school?》PPT课件5 详细介绍:

《What time do you go to school?》PPT课件5《What time do you go to school?》PPT课件5《What time do you go to school?》PPT课件5

《What time do you go to school?》PPT课件5

Revise 1 to 60:

one  two  three four  five  six  seven  

eight   nine   ten   eleven   twelve  

thirteen  fourteen  fifteen  sixteen

seventeen  eighteen  nineteen  twenty 

twenty-one … thirty  forty  fifty  sixty

... ... ...

Three ways to express the same time

1. 点钟数 + 分钟数 

eg:  6: 15    six fifteen

      7: 29   seven twenty-nine

2. 分钟数 + past +点钟数 (分钟数不超过30分)

eg:  6: 15   a quarter past six

      7: 29   twenty-nine past seven

      8: 30   half past eight 

3. 差分钟数 + to +下一点钟数 (分钟数超过30分)

eg:  5: 45   a quarter to six

      9: 39   twenty-one to ten 

... ... ...

I:   What time do you usually get up, Rick?

R: Um, I usually get up at five o’clock.

I:   Five o’clock. Wow! And what time do you run?

R: Un. At six o’clock.

I:   Hmm. And breakfast?

R: Seven o’clock.

I:   What time do you usually shower?

R: Un, eight o’clock.

I:   What time do you usually go to school?

R: I usually go to school at nine o’clock.

... ... ...

Answer the questions:

When does Alicia take a shower?

She takes a shower at eight o’clock.

Does Bob take a shower at five o’clock?

Yes, he does.

When does Mary take a shower?

She takes a shower at six o’clock.

Does Jerry take a shower at eight o’clock?

No, he doesn’t.

When does Rick take a shower?

He takes a shower at eight o’clock.

... ... ...

Complete the dialog.补权对话。

Henry: David, it’s time to get up.

David: Really? ______________________________?

Henry: It’s 7:35.

David: what? It’s 7:35now? I must get up. (David is going to school.)

Henry: Hey, David , wait! Just sit down and have breakfast.

David: I have no time for breakfast.__________.

Henry: What are you late for?

David:__________________. School starts at 8:00.

Henry: Well,_______________________?

David: Aha!_______________________.

Henry: Yes, you don’t have classes on weekends.

关键词:《What time do you go to school?》教学课件,人教版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《What time do you go to school?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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