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《We/re going to different schools》PPT课件


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《We\re going to different schools》PPT课件《We\re going to different schools》PPT课件

《We're going to different schools》PPT课件

You are going to go to middle school this September.

Are you excited?

Are you sad?

Listen paragraph1 and complete !

Dear_____, we’re going to leave our primary school soon and  start_____this September. I’m____and also______.   

Listen paragraph 2 and answer!

Because she is going to study lots of classes(课程)and meet new friends there.

I’m excited because we’re going to study________,English,________,History,             

And learn lots of new things in________.

We’re also going to meet________there.

... ... ...

Lingling is also very sad. Why?

1. Are they going to different schools?

A. Yes, they are.    B. No, they aren’t.

2.Where are Sam and Amy going back to?

A. The US.            B The UK.

3.Can Sam and Amy speak English a lot more now?

A. Yes, they can.   B. No, they can’t.

4.Will Lingling miss Sam and Amy?

A. Yes, she will.    B. No, she won’t.

... ... ...

Read and find“going to”.

1.We're going to leave primary school soon and start middle school this september.

2.We're going to study Chinese, English, Maths, History and Geography.

3.We're also going to meet new friends there.

4.We're going to different schools.

5.My best friends Sam and Amy are going back to the UK.

6.They're going to a new school there.

... ... ...

将来时:be going to 

am   is    are

我 用 am,

你用 are,

is 连着他,她,它,


(    )1 I____going to run.

A  am   B  is   C  are

(    ) 2 He____going to swim.

A  am   B  is   C  are

(    ) 3 You____going to jump.

A  am   B  is   C  are

(    ) 4 Daming____going to play football.

A  am   B  is   C  are

(    ) 5 Daming and Amy____going to watch TV.

A  am   B  is   C  are

... ... ...


1. How will you go to school, by bike, by bus or on foot? 

I will go to school______.

2. When are you going to get up in middle school?

I am going to get up at______.

3. What are you going to study in middle school?

I am going to study______.

4. What middle school do you want to go?

I am going to go to______.

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