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《What are you going to study?》PPT课件


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《What are you going to study?》PPT课件《What are you going to study?》PPT课件

《What are you going to study?》PPT课件

1.I'm going to study History,Science and Chemistry,Maths and Geography,and learn with my new friends happily!

2.Are you going to go to middle school in September?

3.I’m going to go to Park Middle School. 

4.I’m going to go to Lake Middle School. 

5.What are you going to study?

6.I’m going to study History, Science, Geography and French.

7.I’m going to study Physics, Chemistry and Chinese. I’m  also going to study History and Geography. But I’m  not going to study French.

Read and answer the questions.

1  Is Lingling going to middle school in September?

Yes,she is.

2、Which school is Amy going to?

Lake Middle School.

3、What  is Lingling going to study?

She is going to study Physics, Chemistry,Chinese,

History and Geography  .

4、Which middle school do you like?

I like Lake Middle School,because I want to study French.

5、Who is not going to study French?


... ... ...

New words

near    [n ɪə]    adv. 近;接近 

nearly  ['n ɪəlɪ]  adv. 差不多,几乎

finish   ['fɪ nɪʃ]   vt. 完成;结束 

finished  ['fɪ nɪʃt] adj. 完结的,完成的 

anew  [ə‘njuː]   adv. 重新;再 

end    [end]     vt. 结束,终止 

always ['ɔːlweɪz]  adv. 永远,一直;总是;常常 

It’s time to do sth    这是该做某事的时候了。


(1) It’s time to wash my face.

(2) It’s time to have breakfast.

(3) It’s time to do my homework.

... ... ...

Plans of Middle School life

Hello, My name is ___. 

I am going to go to ___ Middle School.

It is in ___.I am going to go there by___.

Because it is far/near from my home.

I am going to study ___ , ___ and ____. 

I am going to miss you. 

That’s all. Thank you.

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