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《Language in use》My classmates PPT课件2


《Language in use》My classmates PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Language in use》My classmates PPT课件2《Language in use》My classmates PPT课件2

《Language in use》My classmates PPT课件2

Do you know these national flags?

England  America  China

Australia  Japan  Canada

Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

1) What’s your name?  

2) Where are you from? 

3) Nice to meet you.     

4) How old are you?          

5) Which class are you in?      

... ... ...

Make sentences like this.

I’m a teacher.

I’m not a teacher.

Are you a teacher?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

1. He’s my friend.

2. We’re students.

3. Are you a student?

4. They are English.

... ... ...

Complete the conversation.

Jack: Hi, my name is Jack. What’s your name?

Lingling: Hi, Jack. _______ Lingling. Where are you from?

Jack: I’m __________ England. ____________?

Lingling: I’m from China. _________ are you?

Jack: I’m thirteen. How old are you?

Lingling: I’m ________ too. I’m in Class ___ Grade 7. What about you?

Jack: I’m in Class 3. Nice to meet you.

Lingling: Nice to meet you too.

... ... ...

Around the world

Family name    Given name 

In Chinese, the family name comes first and the given name comes last.

Family name + Given name

In England, the given name comes first and the family name comes last.

Given name + Family name

... ... ...

Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the people in the pictures.

David Beckham, England, English, thirty-seven

A: He’s David Beckham.

B: Where is he from ?

A: He’s from England.

B: How old is he ?

A: He is thirty-seven.

Jackie Chan, China,Chinese, fifty-eight

A : He’s Jackie Chan.

B : Where is he from?

A : He’s from China.

B : How old is he?

A : He is fifty-eight.

... ... ...

Introduce yourself. 

Ask and answer with a partner.

Hello, my name’s …  

I’m  … years old.   

I’m from …

What’s your name?  

How old are you?   

Where are you from?

... ... ...


1. Write a passage introducing yourself.

2. Revise the use of verb“be”by doing extra exercises.

3. Try to remember more names of these countries.

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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