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《Language in use》My school day PPT课件


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《Language in use》My school day PPT课件《Language in use》My school day PPT课件《Language in use》My school day PPT课件

《Language in use》My school day PPT课件

Discuss in pairs.

Talk about your activities in a week.

I don’t go to school on Sunday. I go to the park on Sunday.

go to school

get up very late

see my grandparents

play games with  friends

play basketball

read a book

watch TV 

do my homework

... ... ...

Read the phrases and then complete the passage.

do homework    get up   go to school    

have a break     have breakfast   

have lunch        start work

On Friday I have a busy day. I ______ at half past six in the morning. Then I wash my hands and face, and________ at seven. At half past seven, 

I __________, and __________ at eight. There are four lessons in the morning. At twenty to ten, we ________ for twenty minutes. We go to the playground and I talk with my friends. We _________ in the school dining hall. In the afternoon, we have two lessons and go home at half past three. I don’t _______ on Friday evening. I do it on Saturday.

... ... ...

Around the world

Read and list some activities when students in the UK.

1. 5 lessons one day 

2. Finishing school at half past three in the afternoon.

3. They go swimming, play football, have music lessons and play with their friends after school.

4. Doing homework like you.

Talk about your ideal school day.

I go to school at half past seven in the morning.

We start work at nine o’clock.

At eleven o’clock, we have a break in the playground and I talk to my friends.

... ... ...



行为动词指的是描述实际动作的动词,包括及物动词和不及物动词,如go, have, dance等这样的表示行为动作的动词。行为动词的一般现在时具体用法:


I go to school at 8 o’clock every day.

The students have lunch at 12 o’clock.

I do my homework at nine.


You dance well.

I like maths very much.

You sing very well.

在行为动词作谓语的句子中,当句子主语为第一、二人称或表示复数概念的名词或代词时,一般现在时的陈述句结构一般为:“主语+行为动词原形 + 其他”。其否定句形式要借助于don’t (don’t是do not的缩写,在一般现在时结构中,do not中的do是助动词,没有词义,但不能省略)。如:

They don’t have an English class today.

We go to school from Monday to Friday.

We don’t go to school on the weekend.

... ... ...

行为动词在一般现在时的句子中作谓语时,当句子的主语为第三人称单数的名词或代词(如she, he, it, Jenny, my teacher等)时,谓语动词要发生变化。变化规律如下:


walk →walks        ride →rides 

②动词以s, x, ch, sh结尾时, 直接在词尾加“-es”。 如:

watch →watches    wash →washes


go →goes       do →does 

④当动词以辅音字母加y结尾时,要先变y为i, 再加“-es”。如:

cry → cries 

⑤有些行为动词变第三人称单数形式时属于不规则变化,这样的词需要在平时认真积累, 重点记忆。 如:

have → has   

... ... ...

at, in, on的用法

1.在表示地点方面,at + 点,on + 面,in +内。如:

at the table “在桌子旁”,强调的是具体的地点;

on the chair “在椅子上”,与椅子的面有接触,强调接触面;

in the room “在房间里”,强调内部空间。

2. 在表示时间方面:

in表示时间段,即在较长的一段时间内,如:in the afternoon, in a week, in autumn, in 1996  

at通常表示时间点,如:at six o’clock 

on表示具体的某一天或某天的某个时间,如:on Sunday, on Monday afternoon, on a cold winter morning, on my birthday 

3. 在有些时间短语中,at可以表示时间段,如:

at night, at Christmas  


用介词at, in, on填空。

1.The football match is ________ Dalian Stadium.

2.My coat is ______ the bed.

3. —Where is my pen? —It’s _____ your pencil-box.

4. I don’t like watching TV _____ the evening.

5. Helen goes to school _____ half past seven.

6. Do you have history _____ Saturday?

7. Don’t go out _____ night.

... ... ...


1. today, maths, break, have, after, we

We have maths after break today.

2. favorite, it’s, maths, I, subject, like, my

I like maths. It’s my favorite subject.

3. teacher, good, our, very, and, makes, maths, it, interesting, she.

Our maths teacher is very good and she makes it interesting.

4. because, like, it’s, I, interesting, it

I like it because it’s interesting.

5. homework, day, I, maths, first, every, after, do, school

I do maths homework first after school every day.

... ... ...


I. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. In the afternoon lessons ______ (start) at 2 o’clock.

2. We ______ (play) football on Sunday morning.

3. I ______ (watch) TV at half past six.

4. They ___________ (not have) lunch at half past twelve.

5. At ten o’clock we _______ (go) to bed.

II. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的短语填空。(每个短语限用一次)

have a break        go to school 

get up       watch TV      have dinner 

1. In the morning I _______ at seven and have breakfast at half past seven.

2. I _______ with my friends at 7:30. 

3. At half past ten we ___________ and I play football with my friends.

4. I ________ at 19:00. I like fish and vegetables.

5. Some students do their homework and some _________ at home.

III. 根据汉语提示,完成下列英文句子。(每空一词)

1. 我和爸爸妈妈去公园。

I ____ ____ ____ _____ with my parents.

2. 我不喜欢这件外套。

I _____ _____ this coat.

3. 我们下午4点钟回家。

We ____ _____ at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

4. 课不是3点结束。

Lessons ______ _____ at 3 o’clock.

5. 我们没有数学课,你们呢?

We ____ _____ maths. __________  ______ you?

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