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《Language in use》Lost and found PPT课件3


《Language in use》Lost and found PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Language in use》Lost and found PPT课件3《Language in use》Lost and found PPT课件3

《Language in use》Lost and found PPT课件3

Look at the picture and write conversations.

1. A: Is that your bag?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Lingling’s.

2. A: Is that your pencil?

B: Yes, it is. It’s mine.

3. A: Is that your basketball?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tony’s.

4. A: Is that your book?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s his.

... ... ...

I. 用法:

1. 形容词性物主代词用来修饰名词,起形容词的作用,不能单独使用。 如:

My parents are both teachers. 


2. 名词性物主代词可以单独使用,相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,后面不跟名词。如:

May I use your ruler? I have lost mine. 

=May I use your ruler? I have lost my ruler. 

另外,名词性物主代词还可以用在“n. + of + 名词性物主代词”结构中,表示“某人的 …”。如:

The shoes of hers are very nice. 


II. 所作成分:

1. 形容词性物主代词只能作定语。如:

There is something wrong with his computer. 


They love their work in the shop. 


2. 名词性物主代词可以作主语、宾语和表语。如:

Your book is interesting, but mine is more interesting.(作主语)


These letters are his.(作表语)


I lost my pen this morning. May I borrow yours?(作宾语)


... ... ...


I. 选择括号中所给的代词填空。

1. ______ (My, Mine, I) pen is red, and _______ ( hers, her, she) is blue.

2. We love _______ (ours, our, we) country.

3. Are you looking for _______ (him, he, his)?

4. They help _______ (we, our, us) and ________ (we, our, us) often help ______ (their, theirs, them).

5. ______ (It, Its) is a new book. ______ (It, Its) cover is red.

6. I will show _______ (your, you, yours) some new books.

7. _____ (He, His) pen is in _____ (I, my, mine) pencil-box.

8. _____ (You, Yours, Your) shoes are under the bed.

9. — Are these trousers ______ (you, your, yours)?

— No, they aren’t _______ (we, our, ours).

10. — Is this your pen?

— No, it’s not ______ (me, mine). My pen is blue.

... ... ...

II. 选择适当的人称代词或者物主代词补全对话。 

A: Excuse me, is this bag 1. ______, Meimei?

B: No, 2. ______ bag is light blue and this one is dark blue. I think it’s Lingling’s.

A: Excuse me, is this your bag?

C: Oh, yes, it’s 3.________.

A: You should put 4. ______ in your room.

C: 5._____ are right. 

... ... ...

Acting out a sketch in the lost and found office

Work in pairs.

Student A: Think of three or four things you have lost or you can choose from the box. Try to describe them.

Student B: Think of five or six things you have in your lost and found office or you can choose from the box. Thy to describe them.

boat   camera    computer   crayons   

duck   football     gloves    mobile phone

pig   wallet    watch

Ask and answer questions.

Student A: Ask Student B if they’ve got the things you have lost. Answer questions about details.

Student B: Answer questions about the things Student A has lost. Ask questions about details.

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I. 根据句意,用适当的词(组)填空,完成句子。

1. - _____ book is it? Do you know?

- I don't know but I think it is Sally's. 

2. - _____ do you want to go to the shop?

- Because I want to buy a bag. 

3. - _____ does your sister like to do at weekends?

- She likes to watch TV at home. 

4. - _____ can I go home, Mr Chen?

- After you finish your homework. 

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II. 用适当的物主代词填空,完成句子。

1. Look at that girl. Do you know ____ name?

2. - My mobile phone is on the table. Where is _____?

- I can't find it. 

3. This is not my pencil. _____ is purple but this one is brown. 

4. - Where is _____ English book, mum?

- It's on your bed. 

5. That is my PE teacher. ____ name is Tony Green. 

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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