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《It/s taller than many other buildings》My home town and my country PPT课件3


《It/s taller than many other buildings》My home town and my country PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《It\s taller than many other buildings》My home town and my country PPT课件3《It\s taller than many other buildings》My home town and my country PPT课件3《It\s taller than many other buildings》My home town and my country PPT课件3

《It's taller than many other buildings》My home town and my country PPT课件3

Learn these new words.

Get up that hill.


e.g. This country now has a   

population of about 110 million.


e.g. This river is very wide.


e.g. It’s cheaper to travel by train than by air.


... ... ...


1. Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you.

Now listen and complete.

Place: (1)_______________

Population: (2)_______ million

Jin Mao Tower: (3) _______ metres high

Place: (4)___________

Population: (5)________ million 

Victoria Peak: (6) ______ metres high

2. Listen and answer the following questions.

1. Is Shenzhen on the coast?

Yes, it is.

2. Is Shenzhen older than Hong Kong?

No, it isn’t.

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1. So it’s a newer city than Hong Kong?

2. It’s getting bigger and busier.

3. That’s larger than the population of many other cities in China.

4. Its streets are much wider and cleaner too.

5. It’s taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen.

Now complete the passage about Shenzhen.

Shenzhen is on the coast near Hong Kong. It became important in the (1) ______. Before that it was a (2)______. Today the population of Shenzhen is more than (3) _______ million. There are many tall buildings in Shenzhen. A famous one is the (4) __________. It is (5) _______ than many other buildings in Shenzhen.

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Language points

1.How was your weekend? Pretty good! 

pretty good表示“相当好”。用于对How’s …?/What do you think of …?作答

e.g. — How was your traveling? 

— Pretty good.


— 非常棒。

2. In fact, it only became important in the 1980s. It’s getting bigger and busier.

1) in fact 表示“事实上”。

e.g. In fact, Taiwan is a part of China.


2) in the 1980s 表示“在20世纪80年代”。

结构为“in the + 年 + s”。

e.g. in the 1930s  在20世纪30年代

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Pronunciation and speaking

Listen and notice how the speaker streeses the underlined words.

1. — Shenzhen is larger in population than Beijing.

— No, it isn’t. It’s smaller.

2. — Hong Kong is newer than Shenzhen.

— No, it isn’t. It’s older.

3. — Shenzhen is as old as Hong Kong.

— No, it isn’t. It’s newer.

4. — Hong Kong is as busy as Shenzhen.

— No, it isn’t. It’s busier.

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1. 比较级定义:表示两者或两类人或事物之间的比较。

2. 比较级变化规则:

① 一般在词尾加-er。如:

small — smaller  old — older

②以字母e结尾的形容词直接加 –r。如:

large — larger    fine — finer



big — bigger    hot — hotter

④以辅音字母加 y 结尾的形容词,把“y”变“i”,再加–er。如:

busy —busier   easy — easier

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1. _____, this pen is longer than that one.

A. One day  B. In fact        

C. Pretty good    

2. — Is Hong Kong ____ than Shanghai?

— Yes, it is.

A. new   B. newer   C. newest

3. — Is the dog _____ than that one?

— Yes, it is.

A. big      B. biger  C. bigger

4. The yellow coat is as ______ as the purple one.

A. cheap    B. heavier 

C. cheaper

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