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《Language in use》Seeing the doctor PPT课件


《Language in use》Seeing the doctor PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Language in use》Seeing the doctor PPT课件《Language in use》Seeing the doctor PPT课件《Language in use》Seeing the doctor PPT课件

《Language in use》Seeing the doctor PPT课件

Teaching aims

To summarise and consolidate the use of the present perfect tense together with since and for

To be able to understand learning materials on health

To be able to carry out a survey on healthy living with the help of others

Language practice

I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer last year.

I have had him for three months now.

Since then, it has become part of my life.

... ... ...


当表示动作已经充成并对现在有一定影响时,我们一般用现在充成时。同时,可分别 用just, already或yet加以强调或说明。


have / has +动词的过去分词.


already, just, 一般置于have/has 之后,用于肯定句中;在否定句中则要用yet 表示“还,未”。

for 和 since 在现在完成时中的应用



He has studied English for five years.



He has studied English since 1999.



for + 一段时间 = since + 一段时间 + ago

He has been here for five weeks.

= He has been here since five weeks ago.


... ... ...


leave — be away      

borrow — keep

buy — have                 

begin/start — be on

die — be dead           

finish --- be over

open sth — keep sth open   

fall ill — be ill               

... ... ...

1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

—How long have you had your bike?

—I’ve had it for about two years.

1. How long have you studied at this school?

2. How long have you studied English?

3. How long have you known your best friend?

4. How long have you lived in this place

5. How long have you used this book?

2. Complete the questionnaire about healthy living. Use since or for where necessary.

Healthy Living Questionnaire

1. What kind of exercise do you do?


2. How long have you done this kind of exercise?


... ... ...

Have you tried this?

a) Walking has helped you get fitter, so why not ask a friend to walk to school with you? 

b) How about asking a friend to go running with you? Have you practised to improve your football skills?

c) Why not turn off the computer and TV and join a sports club? Go with your friends so that you will still spend time together. And how about choosing some healthy food to eat?

Alan — b;  Barbara — a ;   John —c

Work in pairs. Do you have similar problems? Talk about your advice.

... ... ...



1.We have worked in this company since we _____to this city.

A. move        B. have moved 

C. moved    D. are moving

2. ______have you stayed in the garden?

A. How often      B. How long

C. How far       D. How many

3. He has taught at this school ______2005.

A. since       B. in    C. for D. on

4. The dog ______for seven days.

A. died         B. has died 

C. has been dead     D. dies

5. Lucy _____ after her grandma since two years ago.

A. looks        B. looked 

C. will look      D. has looked

... ... ...


1. I have been here _____five months ago.

2. He has been a soldier ____ about two months.

3. Great changes have taken place _____ you left.

4. His grandpa has been dead ____ ten years.

5. I have studied English ______ I was 12 years old.

6. It is two years _________ I became a postgraduate student.

... ... ...

三、Rewrite the sentences using for or since.

1.Jim is in Japan. He arrived there three days ago.

2. They are very hungry. Their last meal was ten hours ago.

3. I have a camera. I bought it in 2009.

4. I know Anna. I first met her three years ago.

5. Linda is ill. She became ill on Monday.

... ... ...


Try your best to master what you have learned in this module and preview the next module.

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版八年级下册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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