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《How do you get to school?》PPT课件11


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《How do you get to school?》PPT课件11《How do you get to school?》PPT课件11《How do you get to school?》PPT课件11

《How do you get to school?》PPT课件11

一、单项选择 (20小题,共20分)

(    ) 1. —_______________ is the red shirt? 

—It’s 50 dollars.(2013湖南·湘西)  

A. How much   B. How many

C. How old   D. How about 

(    ) 2. How does your sister get to school? 


A. On bike   B. With foot

C. By bike    D. In bus

(    ) 3. It’s important ____ people _____ learn team spirit. (2013四川·雅安)

A. of; of  B. of; to    C. for; to        D. to; to

(    ) 4. —What do you ________ the idea? 

—Very good.

A. think of    B. think up

C. think out    D. think over

(    ) 5. —____is it from Xi’an to Dunhuang?

— It’s less than 3 _______ flight(飞行行程).  (2013甘肃·白银)

A. How long; hour’s    B. How far; hour’s

C. long; hours’  D. far; hours’

... ... ...


My name is Bob. I'm a middle school student. My home is about two miles __21__ school. I usually leave for school at about 6: 30. I usually get to school __22__. It takes me about twenty __23__. But sometimes I got there __24__. It takes __25__ only ten minutes. 

My friend Nick, usually goes to school by bus. He usually __26__ at 5:30 every day. Then he has __27__ quick breakfast and goes to school at six. First he __28__ to the bus stop. Then the bus takes __29__ to school. It usually takes him forty minutes to get to school. 

There are different ___30___ to get to school. But I like walking best. 

(    )21. A. from  B. far  C. away  D. long 

(    )22. A. on feet   B. ride a bike C. on foot D. walk 

(    )23. A. hour  B. minute  C. minutes   D. hours

(    )24. A. on bike B. by bike C. by the bikeD. ride 

(    )25. A.I B. my   C. me   D. mine 

(    )26. A. gets up B. get up C. got up D. gets 

(    )27. A. the B. a C. an D. / 

(    )28. A. walk B. on foot  C. walks D. on feet 

(    )29. A. he B. his C. himself D. him 

(    )30. A. ways  B. way  C. the way  D. the ways

... ... ...


46. Amy ______(居住)in Shanghai with her parents 

47. Our teacher is ____ (像) our parents.

48. You should be careful when you _______ (穿过) the road.

49. His dream will come _____ (实现).

50. There is a dog _________ (在.......之间) the car and the bike.  

51. Liu Ming’s home is about 12 _______(公里) from school. 

52. He wants _______ (leave) home at 8:00.

53. There are 2,000 _______ (villager) in the village.

54. He doesn’t have much time for breakfast, so he often eats ______ (quick). 

55. It usually takes ____ (she) 30 minutes to walk to school.

... ... ...


56. 通常我用一个小时做作业。 

It usually ______one hour ____my homework. 

57. Tom 奶奶是位八十岁的老太太。 

Tom’s grandmother is______________. 

58. 我希望你的梦想能够实现。 

I hope your _____________________. 

59. 你爸爸通常怎样去上班?

__________your father usually______?

60. 你每天早上什么时候离开家?

_______ do you ______every morning?

... ... ...

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