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《Why do you like pandas?》PPT课件9


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《Why do you like pandas?》PPT课件9《Why do you like pandas?》PPT课件9

《Why do you like pandas?》PPT课件9

学 习 重 点

单词: flag, place, water, danger, tree, save, forget, cut, kill, down, over

短语: forget to do, get lost, be in great danger, cut down, be made of, one of..., lose one’s home

预 习 检 测


1. ________ v. 救助

2. ________ v. 忘记;遗忘

3. ________ v. 砍;切

4. ________ v. 杀死

5. ________ n. 水

6. ________ n. 危险

7. ________ n. 旗帜 

8. ________ n. 地点,位置

9. ________ n.树

10. _______ prep. 沿着,向下

11. ______ prep. 多于;在……上


12. 迷路 _____________

13. 处于(极大的)危险之中 _________

14. 砍倒 ________________

15. 由……制成_______________

16. ……之一 ____________

17. 失去某人的家园 ____________

... ... ...

思 考 探 究

save  save是一个动词,意为 1) ______、_____ 另外,save做动词时还有“贮存,储蓄、节省、保存”等意思。save one’s life 拯救某人的生命。

2) 我们必须救它们。

We must _______ ______. 

3) 节约水 ______________

4) 贮存食物 ____________ 

cut down的意思及用法:cut down 意为“砍倒”,down为副词。观察下列句子:

Tom’s mother told him not to cut down the tree, but he cut it down last week.

We shouldn’t cut the trees down.

... ... ...

(一) 根据2b内容完成短文填空,每空一词。(先合上课本试着填空,再对答案看看)

We want to 1. ______ the elephants in Thailand. Elephants are 2. ______ animals. They can play soccer or   music. They can also draw well. People say “an elephant never 3. _______”. They never get 4. _____. But now elephants are in great 5. ______. People 6. ______ down many trees so they lose their homes. People also 7. _____ them for their ivory. Today there are only 3,000 elephants 8. _____ 100,000 before). We must not buy things 9. ______ of ivory. 10. ______ that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day. 

(二) 完成句子

11. 不要忘记完成你的作业。 

Don’t ______ your homework. 

12. 我们班有超过50名学生。 _________in our class. 

13. 这是一张由木头制作的桌子。

This is a desk ______ wood. 

... ... ...


19. 寻找 __________

20. 一些 __________

21. 想出一个主意 _________

22. 为……工作 _________

23. 做我们喜欢的事 _______

24. 照顾 _________

(三) 重点句型解析并造句。

They make you look after their sheep. ( make sb. do sth) 他们让你照看羊。

25. 那个老板让工人们一天工作12小时。  

The boss ________________ for 12 hours a day. 

26. 体育老师让学生们跑步半个小时。 

The P.E. teacher _________________. 

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