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《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件9


《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件9 详细介绍:

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件9《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件9

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件9

学 习 重 点

单词: road, air, money, spend, climb, enjoy, free, easily, often, monkey

短语: spend time, enjoy reading.

句型: 1. I like to spend time there on weekends.

2. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. 

3. The best things in life are free.

4. It’s very quiet and I enjoy reading there.

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预 习 检 测


1. ________ v. 花费

2. ________ v. 爬

3. ________ v. 享受;喜爱

4. ________ n. 路

5. ________ adv. 时常

6. ________ n. 空气

7. ________ adv. 容易地

8. ________ n. 钱 

9. ________ adj. 免费的


10. 在我的街区 __________

11. 花时间 ______________

12. 喜欢阅读 _____________

13. 看起来像 _____________

14. 走出去 _______________ 

15. 沿着……走 ____________

16. 免费的 ________________

17. 在生活中 _____________

18. 在周末 ________________

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neighborhood 是名词,意为“街区、街坊”。 neighbor 是名词,意为“邻居”.

in the neighborhood意为“在附近”。指位置相近的人或事物。

1) Is there a hospital around here? = Is there a hospital ______ _______ _________?

2) He has many good _________ (邻居).

3) spend是 ________ (词性),意为“度过;花费 (时间、金钱等) ”。

spend time with sb. “与某人一起度过时间”

4) I like to spend time _______ my friends on weekends.

spend 常用短语有 ( 注意与pay 的区别,pay 只表示花费金钱 )

spend time /money on sth.花费时间/金钱在某事(物)上,

spend time /money (in) doing sth 花费时间/金钱做某事。

5) I often spend half an hour on my homework. = I often _______ half an hour _________ my homework.

6) enjoy 的用法。enjoy是 _______ (词性),意为“享受…的乐趣,喜欢,欣赏”。其用法:

“enjoy+名词”,  eg:I enjoy music a lot.

“enjoy+v-ing”,  eg:I enjoy listening to music a lot.

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There 1. ____ a zoo in my neighborhood. I like to 2. _______ time there 3. _______ weekends. I love to watch the monkeys 4. _______ around. The monkeys sometimes fight. They 5. _______ like my friends and me 6._______ we fight. To get 7. _______ , I usually walk out and 8. _______ right on Bridge Road. Then I walk 9. _________ Bridge Road. The zoo is 10. _______ the right.

二、根据下面的地图寻找正确路线和目的地,完成选择题。( 注意每次都以A处作为出发点 )

(     ) 19. Walk up the street and turn left at the first crossing. Then turn left again at the next crossing. The ______ is a few meters on your left.

A. bank B. college

C. post office   D. shop

(     ) 20. Walk up the street only a few meters. Take the first turning on the right. The ______ is on your left.

A. post office   B. bank

C. house  D. restaurant

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