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《What does he look like?》PPT课件7


《What does he look like?》PPT课件7 详细介绍:

《What does he look like?》PPT课件7《What does he look like?》PPT课件7

《What does he look like?》PPT课件7

学 习 重 点

单词:straight, tall, height, thin, heavy, build, tonight, little, cinema, glasses, later

短语:(be) of medium height, (be) of medium build, a little

句型:What does he look like? 及其答语。

预 习 检 测


1. _______ adj. 直的

2. _______ adj. 重的

3. _______ adj. 高的

4. _______ adj. 瘦的

5. _______ adj. 小的

6. _______ n. 身高;高度

7. _______ n. 身材

8. _______ n. 电影院

... ... ...


12. 中等身高 ___________

13. 中等身材 ___________

14. 一点、少量___________

15. 看起来像 ___________

16. 去看电影 ___________

17. 戴眼镜 ______________

18. 卷发 _______________

19. 长的直发 ___________

20. 短发 ________________


21. 今天晚上你去看电影吗?(be going to)

22. 我可能会迟到一会。(a little) 

23. 就先在电影院门口和他碰面吧。(meet sb.)  

24.  ---他长什么样?(look like )  

---他留着棕色头发戴眼镜。(have, wear )   

... ... ...

思 考 探 究

He’s of medium build. 他中等体型/身材。→ 同义句: He is not fat or thin.

△ build  n .  身材   v. 建筑/建造    building  n. 建筑物/高楼大厦.

e.g. 工人们每年建造许多高楼大。 

1. The workers ________every year.

She’s of medium height. 她中等高度。→ 同义句:She isn’t tall or short .

height , high和tall 的区别

height n. 身高 ;高度  He is of medium height.  

2. He is two meters in _________.

... ... ...


(    ) 1. Jimmy has __ short hair and a round face.

A. a    B. an          

C. /    D. the

(    ) 2. Her mother ___ tall and she ___ curly hair.

A. is; is B. has; has      

C. has; is   D. is; has

(    ) 3. --- Is your Chinese teacher old or young?   

--- _______.

A. Yes, he is   B. No, he isn’t  

C. He’s tall    D. He’s young

(    ) 4. ---What does she look like?  


A. She’s forty  B. She’s thin    

C. She’s a teacher  D. She likes playing football

... ... ...


7. 他的妈妈中等身材。

His mother _______________.

8. 她今晚可能会晚一点。

She _______________________.

9. 他戴着一副眼镜。

He ________________________.

10. 我妹妹留着黑而短的直发。

My sister _________________.

11. 那个人看上去像个老师。

That person ______ a teacher.

... ... ...


 Tony is going to the 12._______ tonight. He goes the cinema 13.______ Mike. But Mike may be a little 14.______. His friend David is going, 15._______. He 16.______ him in front of the cinema first. Tony doesn’t know David. Mike says David 17.______ brown hair and 18.________ glasses. He isn’t tall 19.______ short. He’s 20.______ medium height. They will have a good 21._____ there.

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