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《Does it eat meat?》PPT课件2


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《Does it eat meat?》PPT课件2《Does it eat meat?》PPT课件2《Does it eat meat?》PPT课件2

《Does it eat meat?》PPT课件2

1./'elifənt /elephant  大象

2./'mʌŋki /monkey  猴子

3./'ænimal /animal  动物

4./'difrənt /different  不同的

5./'kʌntri /country  国家

6./ witʃ /which  哪一个

7./'əunli /only  仅仅;只

8./'æfrikən /African  非洲的;非洲人

9./'ju:ʒuəli /usually  通常

... ... ...

Ask and answer the questions. 

Does the polar bear like to swim?

Yes, it does. It likes to swim.

1. Does the tiger eat meat?

Yes, it does. It eats meat.

2. Does the panda eat bamboo?

Yes, it does. It eats bamboo.

3. Does the tiger like to swim?

No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t like to swim.

4. Does the polar bear eat bamboo?

No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t eat bamboo.

5. Does the polar bear come from China?

No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t come from China.

... ... ...

Listen and choose the best answers.

1.Where are the speakers now?

A. Beijing     B. the zoo    C. Beijing zoo

2. Do the animals come from the same country?

A. Yes      B. No       C. We don’t know.

3. What do the lions eat?

A. animals     B. plants    C. vegetables

4. Do bears eat plants?

A. Yes      B. No     C. Not mention.

5.What do elephants eat?

A. meat   B. vegetables   C. plants 

... ... ...

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.

A: Does the bear eat meat?

B: Yes, it does.

A: Does the tiger bamboo?

B: No, it doesn’t. It eat meat.

A: What’s your favourite animal? 

Does it eat plants?

B: Yes, it does.

A: Does it come from China?

B: Yes, it does.

A: Is it the panda?

... ... ...


1. Tom ___ to bed early but his brother doesn’t.

A. goes       B. go        C. going

2. Where ___ the lions ___?

A. is, from  B. are, from  C.come,form

3. -Look! ___

-Oh, I see. Thank you.

A. Here comes the bus     

B. Here the bus comes

4. -Who likes watching football?

- Lucy ___.

A. likes      B. like      C. does

5. Lingling often goes to school ___ Lucy.

A. with        B. of       C. and

6. China is ___ Asian country and 

England is ___ European one.

A. an, an      B. an, a     C. a, a

7. His new friend is ___.

A. European  B.Europe   C.an European

8. The wolf ___ meat.

A. likes to eat    B. like to eat  

... ... ...

二、 根据所给汉语意思填空。

1. Can you see any ______ (叶子) in the picture?

2. The lion _____ (来自) America is very strong.

3. The ___ (旅行) to Hong Kong is very interesting.

4. The ______ (狼) are very dangerous.

5. We need a _____ (导游) to help you.

6. The ______ (长颈鹿) are very tall.

... ... ...

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