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《Once upon a time》Story time PPT课件3


《Once upon a time》Story time PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Once upon a time》Story time PPT课件3《Once upon a time》Story time PPT课件3

《Once upon a time》Story time PPT课件3

When I was young 当我小的时候 

I'd listen to the radio 我聆听收音机 

Waitin' for my favorite songs 


When they played I'd sing along 


It made me smile. 笑容满面 

Read the useful words and phrases.

/hεə/   头发 n.   hair

/ɡəuld/  金色;黄金;金牌  n.  gold

/'fɔrIst/  森林 n.  forest

/wʌns/  一次;一回  adv.   once

/ə'pɔn/  在…上 prep.  upon

/dI'saId/  决定 v.  decide

... ... ...

Listen and choose the right answer. 

1. What’s the name of the story?

A. Goldilocks    

B. Goldilock and three bears

2. which one is the beginning of the story?

A. Long long ago... 

B. Once upon a time...

3. What was the girl’s name?

A. Goldilocks    B.  Little pig

Listen and check (√) the true sentences:

1.The story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

2.The story begins: Once upon a  time …

3.Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold.

4.Goldilocks lived in the forest.

5.She decided to go for walk in the park with her basket.

... ... ...

Read and answer the questions. 

1 Did she pick any flowers in the forest?

Yes, she did.

2 Did she notice a big tree in the forest?

No, she didn’t. She noticed a little house.

3 Was the door open?

Yes, it was.

4 Was there food in the bowls?

Yes, there was.

5 Did she want to eat the food?

Yes, she did.

6 Did she like the big bowl?

No, she didn’t. 

... ... ...

Language points

1. decide to do 决定做某事

e.g. I decided to make friends with him. 

decide not to do 决定不做某事

She decided not to play with Dave. 

2. be lost 迷路 (= get lost / be missing)

e.g. The boy was lost and his parents looked for him everywhere.

3. look around  环顾四周

e.g. The boy looked around, but he didn’t see anybody.

4. hurry to 匆匆忙忙去…… 

e.g. Li Ming hurried to the room with no word. 

5. knock on / at 敲……

e.g. Don’t knock on the table. It’s impolite. 

... ... ...

The regular simple past verb 


① 一般动词原形末尾加-ed。如:

look → looked,  stay→ stayed ; 

② 以e结尾的动词只加-d。如:

hope →hoped,  live→ lived; 

③结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词, 先将y改 

为i,再加-ed. 如: study → studied



如: stop → stopped

... ... ...

I. 单选填空。

1. There ______ a lot of bread and some oranges in the basket.

A. has    B. have     C. are   D. is

2. We often play basketball ______ Saturday afternoon.

A. in      B. at       C. on    D. of

3. How _______ the weather yesterday?

A. was     B. were    C. is      D. are

4. — ________ she visit the park?

— No, she didn’t.

A. Did     B. Does    C. Is    D. Shall

5. Could you tell me how to ________ it in English?

A. say     B. speak    C. talk     D. tell

... ... ...

II. 完成句子。

1. 进入办公室前请先敲门。

Please _______ the door before you _____ the office.

2. 她捡起地上的钱包并把它交给老师。

She _______ the purse on the ground and gave it to the teacher.

3. 从前,这里的人很穷。

______________, the people here were very poor.

4. 这个小女孩跟不上她班的同学,很快迷路了。

The little girl couldn’t catch up with her classmates and soon she _______.

... ... ...


To read the passage five times.

To read and remember the new words.

To preview the new lesson.

关键词:《Once upon a time》教学课件,外研版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Once upon a time》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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