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《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件2


《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件2《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件2

《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT课件2

Words and expressions

flat  n.     套房;公寓

rubbish  n.     垃圾;废弃物

quiet  a.     寂静的;安静的

local  adj. 当地的;本地的

close down  (永久)关闭,关停   

pupil  n.  学生;(尤指)小学生

pollution  n.  污染

public  a.  公共的;公众的

service n.  公共服务;服务

solve v.  解决问题

... ... ...

Warming up

1. Do you like cities or countryside? 

2. What are the major differences between them?


1.To get information from the reading passage in relation to city problems

2.To learn some key words and useful expressions 

3.To conclude the reading skills 

4.To read the big numbers and articles correctly

Focus on


Flat, rubbish, quiet, local, public, pollution, service


in the city centre→ outside the centre

close to…        solve the problem

close down     all over the world


It was expensive to…

It takes an hour to get there by bus.

... ... ...

1.Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.

countryside   field    flat    hospital 

job   office    rubbish     village

1. Why do people move to cities?

2. What are the problems of cities?

2.Read the passage and check your answers to Activity 1.

1.Why do people move to cities?

They want to find jobs and places to live .

2. What are the problems of big cities?

They are crowded with a lot of rubbish, traffic and pollution.

... ... ...

I. 单项填空。

1. Our block is _____ the Blue Sky Building.

A. near from      B. far to   

C. close to         D. far away

2. It takes me a long time _______  the TV play.

A. watch          B. watches    

C. watching       D. to watch

3. I don’t think life in the city can be _____ than that in the country.

A. enjoyed       B. enjoyable    

C. much enjoyable    D. more enjoyable

4. It’s important to _____ our skin(皮肤)____ the harmful effect of the sun.

A.protect, from      B. stop, from

C. stop, with        D.protect, with

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Ⅱ. 翻译词组或短语。

solve the problems  解决问题

all over the world  全世界

city centre  市中心

some day  (将来)某一天

make efforts to…  努力做…

... ... ...


Write the passage about your suggestions to solve the problems in your cities.


1. To preview the new words of unit 3

2. To learn to read large numbers

关键词:《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》教学课件,外研版八年级上册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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