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《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件2


《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件2《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件2

《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件2

Read the passage and choose the best answer.

The passage is _____.

a) a guide to Los Angeles

b) information about English course

c) a story of life in Los Angeles 

d) a newspaper story about language courses

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Careful Reading

Para 1

1. What will you learn about if you go to Los Angeles?

A. Chinese culture

B. English culture

C. improve your English at the same time

D. Both B and C

Para 2

1. How long does the shortest course last? 

It lasts for four weeks.

2. How do you check your progress?

You do/take a test every week.

Para 3

1. What is the best part of the course?

2. Many families______ close _______with the students and ___________them. 

But if you prefer,you may stay in hotels.

... ... ...

Post- reading  听力练习

culture , at the same time, last, provide, progress, guest, 

take part in , certain

We provide books. 我们提供书籍。 provide意为“提供;供应”,其常用搭配:

The organization provides  young people with work. 


The organization provides  work  for young people.


But if you prefer, ... 但是如果你钟爱,……


I prefer walking alone. 我喜欢一个人溜达。

I prefer to walk.  我更喜欢步行。


prefer…to… “与……相比,更喜欢……”例如:

I prefer the seaside to the mountains. 

Tom prefers reading to talking. 比起聊天,汤姆更喜欢书。

prefer to do…rather than…“宁愿……而不愿……”例如:

He prefers to read rather than watch television. 


... ... ...

1 Describe the language course.

Classes last for four hours a day. The teachers...

2 Say where the students live.

Students live either... or...

3 Say what other activities the students can do.

There are many things to do in Beijing. For example,...

4 Say why the students will enjoy themselves learning Chinese

All our students have a wonderful time learning Chinese  here. I’m sure that...

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1 你会喜欢来洛杉矶学习美国文化,同时提高你的英语。

You will love coming to Los Angeles to learn about American _____ and improve your English___________.

2 除了学英语,我们想让你体验美国生活。

________ learning English ,we want you ____  ________ life in the US.

3 许多家庭和学生形成了亲密的友谊,并且和他们保持联系。

Many families ____ close friendships with the students and_____________ them.

4 你能够在小组或大组中学习,这取决于你个人的选择。

You can work in small or large groups and it ________  your personal choice.

5 不要等了,填写你的表格,来洛杉矶学英语吧!

Do not wait , ________ your form and come to learn English in Los Angeles.

... ... ...


1 review the words and phrase.       

2 write a passage about learning Chinese. 

关键词:《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》教学课件,外研版八年级下册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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