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《Ms.Liu/s Great Idea》Buying and Selling PPT下载


《Ms.Liu/s Great Idea》Buying and Selling PPT下载 详细介绍:

《Ms.Liu\s Great Idea》Buying and Selling PPT下载《Ms.Liu\s Great Idea》Buying and Selling PPT下载《Ms.Liu\s Great Idea》Buying and Selling PPT下载

《Ms.Liu's Great Idea》Buying and Selling PPT下载

第一部分内容:课 前 大 练 兵

1.What’s the ____________ (different) between them?

2.I’ve got three days’ holiday___________(包括)New Year’s Day.

3. What does this setence mean?

______ ______ _______ ____this setence?

______ do you_______ ______ this setence?

4.Have you _______(hear) of any other _______(say)?


I wondered______ _____ ______doing.

... ... ...

Ms.Liu's Great IdeaPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

1.Do you know any mottos about honesty?

Honesty is the best policy. 诚实为上策。

Take what you need.  Give what you can. 


2.Would it be difficult to open a shop without a salespeoson?

Why or why not?

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Ms.Liu's Great IdeaPPT,第三部分内容:Learn the new words

husband  n. 丈夫  妻子wife-wives

gate  n. 大门

appreciate  v. 感激,感谢

honesty  n. 诚实.老实.正直 His honesty

trusting  adj. 信任的

honest  adj. 坦白的.诚实的 to be honest

value  n. 价值 adj.valuable

motto  n. 座右铭,格言,箴言

trust  v.&n.相信,依赖


1.receive a letter from   收到某人的来信

=get a letter from

=hear from,

2.take a weekend trip,  进行一次周末旅行

3.help oneself to sth,     随便吃点...

4.take....from....,            从...中带走...

5.be surprised to......     对... 感到吃惊。

6.the value of honesty   诚实的价值

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Ms.Liu's Great IdeaPPT,第四部分内容:预习成果展示

1.honest(名词) ______ 2.value(形容词)_______


4.说实话、老实说  _________________________

5.help yourself to sth. ____________________

6.在我们回家的路上 _____________________  

7.receive(a letter/an e-mail)from=hear from________    

8.诚实的价值       __________ 

9.对......感到惊奇 _____________________               

10.进行一次周末旅行_______ _________

11.all one’s life  _____________

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Ms.Liu's Great IdeaPPT,第五部分内容:课堂研讨助学

Listen to the text and try to write T or F

1. Ms Liu received an e-mail from Rose.(     )

2.Rose took a trip with Danny to the countryside(   )

3.Along a small road, They saw a farmer in the shop to sell eggs.(    )

4.Ms liu believed that most people want to be honest.(    )

1 What did the farmer write on the note ?

2 We were surprised to find that the farmer was so trusting.(译成汉语)

3 What was Mr. Liu’s idea? 

4 What do you learn from the last paragraph(段落)?

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Ms.Liu's Great IdeaPPT,第六部分内容:Language points

1. On my way home, I wonder if everyone would be honest. 本句含有一个if引导的宾语从句。其中的if做引导词,在句中意为“是否”,“if everyone would be honest”作动词wonder的宾语, 从句为陈述语序。 

(1) I wonder if he _____________ (come) tomorrow.

(2)He asked me if I ___________ (be) to Lanzhou before.

2.Help yourself. 请自便。反身代词的相关短语:

①enjoy oneself = have fun = have a good time过的愉快、玩得高兴 

②help oneself to sth. 请自便...

③learn … by oneself = teach oneself …自学

④hurt / cut oneself 伤害自己    

⑤look after / take care of oneself 照顾自己 

⑥dress oneself  穿衣服

⑦leave one by oneself = leave one alone 把某人单独留

⑧say to oneself  自言自语

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Ms.Liu's Great IdeaPPT,第七部分内容:当堂训练检测

1. ______________ (说实话),I don’t know the answer.

2.Everyone should know___ _____ ___ _________


3.Reading is a good way_________(learn) English.

4.Children,please help ___________ ___some fruit.


5.She was surprised ________(find) she was the last one.

6.I wonder if it________tomorrow.(rain)

--Don‘t worry,if it_____,we’ll stay at home.(rain)

(    ) 7._____ my way__ home,I saw some strange things.

A. On ,/    B.In, to    C. On,to     D.In,/

(    ) 8.You’ve given me so much help. I really ____it.

A. appreciate      B. recive      C. suppose    D. regard

9. I received a letter________(介词)Liming last week.

10.She said they____(have) a good weekend.

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Ms.Liu's Great IdeaPPT,第八部分内容:Homework:

Visit one or two shops near your school or home. 

Write down the dialogues you make.

关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Ms.Liu's Great IdeaPPT下载,Buying and SellingPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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