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《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT课件


《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT课件《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT课件《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT课件

《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT课件


1. Master the words and structures in this lesson.

2. Learn how to express themselves about their problems and plans.

3. To write about their plans correctly.

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Manage Your TimePPT,第二部分内容:Warming up

How much time do you spend on your homework every day?

How do you feel?

A. Less than one hour.   

B. About two hours.    

C. Till midnight.

A. Happy. 

B. Tired. 

C. Fine.

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Manage Your TimePPT,第三部分内容:New words

besides     prep. 除……之外(还)

weekday   n. 工作日

primary    adj. 小学的;基本的

asleep      adj. 睡着的

notebook   n. 笔记本

review     n. 复习;回顾;评论

               v. 回顾;反思;评论

itself pron. 它本身(自己)

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Manage Your TimePPT,第四部分内容:Listening  

There are two parts in this lesson. 

Part 1 is a letter from a girl to Sue. It’s about her problems.

Part 2 is a letter from Sue to the girl. It’s about her suggestions.


Read and tick the suggestions mentioned by Sue.

Organize you notes right after classes.

Make a timetable of all your regular activities.

Make a list of all the things you need to do each week.

Plan your study time for each subject.

Have a few minutes every evening to check how your plan is going.

Record all the activities you decide to do on a regular basis.

Do a weekly review of each subject.

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Manage Your TimePPT,第五部分内容:Practice  

Fill in the blank with the words in the box.

itself    asleep    review   weekday     primary

1. When the class began, the teacher did a quick ________  of the last lesson.

2. After a whole day’s hard work, he fell ________ without eating supper.

3. The dog found ________  lying in the field when it woke up.

4. Slow down! There are some ________ school students ahead. 

5. This company holds a short meeting every ________ morning.

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Manage Your TimePPT,第六部分内容:Language points



作介词意为“除……之外(包括……)” 。

Besides Jill, Tony went to the park, too. 除了吉尔之外,托尼也去了公园。



We went to the park except Jill. 除了吉尔外,我们都去了公园。(Jill没有去公园) 

2. If not, decide what things must be done and what can be dropped from your list. 


句中的must be done和can be dropped 都是带有情态动词的被动语态,构成方法是“情态动词 + be + 过去分词”。

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Manage Your TimePPT,第七部分内容:Project  

Thanks for Sue’s suggestions. Let’s help the girl together.

Which must be done? Which can be dropped?

Make a to-do list.

Do you have problems managing your time?

Think about all the things you do and make your own timetable.

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Manage Your TimePPT,第八部分内容:Exercise 


1. Her uncle is the __________ (manage) of this company.

2. You’ll be ___________ (success) if you keep on studying hard.

3. They made much progress after two-month _____________ (train).

4. She does everything __________ (perfect) because she is careful.

5. Who is the ___________ (direct) of this factory? 

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Manage Your TimePPT,第九部分内容:Homework

1. Write about your plan in English.

2. 完成习题。

关键词:冀教版九年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Manage Your TimePPT下载,Get ready for the futurePPT下载,.PPT格式;

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