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《Stay away from windows and heavy furniture》Help PPT课件下载


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《Stay away from windows and heavy furniture》Help PPT课件下载《Stay away from windows and heavy furniture》Help PPT课件下载

外研版八年级英语上册《Stay away from windows and heavy furniture》Help PPT课件下载,共34页。

Learning targets

Key words & phrases:

earthquake, warn, inside, under, window, keep, helpful, power, clear, calm, brave, keep calm, in short

Key sentences:

1. Keep calm, especially when you are with other people.

2. Be brave and be helpful.

3.You can be safe and you can also help others.

To understand the passage on safety and first aid in an earthquake.


What do you think what happened?

It's an 7.0-magnitude earthquake. It hit Ya'an, Sichuan in 2013.

This is the largest natural calamity after Wenchuan Earthquake on May 12, 2008.


Language points

1. Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to  

warn people about them.

warn v.警告;告诫。常用短语:

①warn sb.of/about sth.警告某人注意某事物。

例:Someone warned the boy of/about the danger of swimming   

in the river.有人警告这个男孩注意在河里游泳的危险之处。

②warn sb.(not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)做某事。

例:His parents warned him not to play with fire. 他的父母警告他不要玩火。

2. Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.

stay away from...远离…… 例:His doctor told him to stay away from the junk food.  他医生告诉他远离垃圾食品。

3. Keep calm, especially when you are with other people.

keep calm是“系动词+形容词”构成的短语。其他能作系动词的行为动词有: become, feel, look, seem 等。例:

Everybody became quiet. 所有人都安静下来了。

He looked a little nervous. 他看上去有点儿紧张。

4. Be brave and be helpful.

helpful adj.有帮助的。它是由help加后缀­ful变化而来的。例:Your suggestions are very helpful.你的建议十分有用。


Write a passage about how to protect oneself in earthquake. Use the words like earthquake, warn, inside, under,  window, keep, clear, calm, brave, must, because and so on. About 80 words.

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